Hi there!
My name is
Maxim Uvarov. I was born in 1985 in the Novokuznetsk city, Siberia, Russia. I like traveling and I try to travel as much as I can.
My public activity includes
70+ online marketing presentations during various events in Russia (including YaC/M 2015 conference with a live audience more than 1000 visitors and more who seen the video online).
I'm the founder and moderator of Russian-speaking facebook communities:
Search Engine Marketing (Kontekstnaya reklama) - established 2011, 10000+ members, the primary place for discussions in Paid Search Advertising market of Russia between advertisers, platforms, automation builders, advertising agencies and others.
Excel and Power BI in online marketing - established 2015, 12000+ members, the living community with fresh and often exclusive content for Russian speaking members.
I believe that these communities generate a lot of joint profit for the whole Russian digital marketing industry.
From 2017 till 2022 Microsoft has been granted me the status called
"Most Valuable Professional".
In 2016 Yandex has granted me status "educational expert", but in 2019 I declined to sign the NDA with them, and my status wasn't prolonged. I'm still wondering who lost more - Yandex or me...
In 2013 Together with my partners we cofounded tech-marketing startup called
K50. Having raised investments, we were very PR-active during the launch process. And I was the central part of our PR-strategy. Since I left the company back in 2015, they became one of the leaders in the Russian online marketing automation market. In 2020 K50 was acquired by Yandex.
Back in 2011-2012 I was in charge of SEM and Paid Marketing team in a big Russian online retail startup. That was unprecedented luck for me to work in such a talented company with so many bright people around.
I develop programs to connect Power BI and Excel with
Yandex.Metrica and
Google Analytics and share them open-source on GitHub.
After K50 I was earning money by selling
my video courses. They teach people how to use Excel and Power BI for making data-driven decisions in the online marketing field. My courses are free now (
Power BI). You are very welcome to watch.
I love digits; I like to analyze them. As an employee, an independent consultant and as a technology startup founder, I spent thousands of hours investigating marketing data with Excel and Power BI tools. That helped me a lot to gain a useful digital analytics skillset.
Business networking is a huge interest of mine. I would love to share my expertise and be able to find some interesting people from other occupations. Practicing English is always good for me. I'm actively looking into blockchain technologies. Not from the cryptocurrencies trading view, but from techniques of decentralization.
So if you're interested in talking to me, please ping me on telegram